
Guzheng: Cassi 音乐会录像

Guzheng: Spring Festival Overture 春节序曲

Guzheng: 上海春节录像

Guzheng: Western Capriccio 《西域随想》 (Golden Prize)

Guzheng, Violin Ensemble: Red Sun over Jinggang Mountains 《井冈山上太阳红》 (Golden Prize)

Guzheng: Raising the Red Lantern 《挂红灯》 (Golden Prize)

Guzheng Solo: Four Seasons 《四季调》 (Golden Prize)

Washington Dunhuang Guzheng Tenth Anniversary Celebration Concert

Guzheng: Fisherman's Song at Dusk 《渔舟唱晚》

Guzheng: High Mountains and Flowing Water 《高山流水》

Guzheng: Snow Mountain in Early Spring 《雪山春晓》

Guzheng: Dance of the Ye Tripe 《彝族舞曲》

Guzheng: Raising the Jeweled Curtain 《卷珠帘》

Guzheng: Swanee River (Old Folks at Home) 《故乡的亲人》

Guzheng: Little Turtledove 《小斑鸠》

Guzheng, Violin: Fisherman's Song at Dusk 《渔舟唱晚》

Guzheng Unison: Song of Yanbian 《延边之歌》

Guzheng Solo: Dance of Yao People 《瑶族舞曲》

Guzheng, Violin and drum: Waiting to be Found 《等待》

Guzheng, Zhongruan Duet: General's Command 《将军令》

Guzheng Solo: Sakura, Sakura 《樱花》

Guzheng Solo: Waters of Bliss to Our Village《幸福渠水到俺村》

Guzheng Solo: Red Blossom 《山丹丹开花红艳艳》

Guzheng Solo: Hunting Tiger in the Mountain 《打虎上山》

Guzheng Solo: Spring to Lhasa 《春到拉萨》

Guzheng Ensemble: The Beautiful Grassland is My Home 《美丽的草原我的家》

Guzheng Solo: Peacocks Southeast Traveling 《孔雀东南飞》

Guzheng Solo: Red Sun over Jingang Mountains 《井冈山上太阳红》

Guzheng Unision: Battling the Typhoon《战台风》

Guzheng Duet and Dance: 《傣族舞曲》

Guzheng, Erhu and Percussion: Wild Dance of the Golden Snake 《金蛇狂舞》

Guzheng Solo: Sunshine on Jinggang Mountain 《井冈山上太阳红》

Guzheng Unision: My Hometown Shigatse 《我的家乡日喀则》

Guzheng Solo: The Peacock Flies to the Southeast 《孔雀东南飞》

Guzheng Solo: The Bamboo Tune、 Osmanthus blossoms in August《 紫竹调、八月桂花遍地开》

Guzheng and Western Band: The Heavenly Road 古筝与西洋乐队《天路》

Guzheng and Cello Quintet: 古筝与大提琴五重奏《蝴蝶泉边》

Guzheng Unison: Red Blossom 古筝齐奏《山丹丹开花红艳艳》

Guzheng Ensemble: At the Riverside of NuoDuoEr  古筝、笛子、长鼓合奏《诺多儿江边》

Guzheng Ensemble: We Shall Overcome 古筝、电贝司、长号《We Shall Overcome》
Guzheng Concerto: Tungs Of Hometown 古筝协奏曲《乡韵》
Guzheng and Erhu: Fisherman's Song at Sunset 古筝、二胡《渔舟唱晚》
Guzheng Trio: Mountain Love Song 古筝三重奏《山地情歌》
Guzheng and Hulusi Ensemble 古筝、葫芦丝合奏《月光下的凤尾竹》
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